Peter Desmet
Personal website
Image by Peter Desmet
Hi, I’m Peter. I’m a biodiversity informatician. I develop research software (like Petridish and Frictionless R), maintain data standards (like Camtrap DP) and publish datasets covering animal tracking, camera traps, citizen science, invasive alien species, and radar aeroecology. I ❤️ open science and work as open data coordinator and team lead for INBO’s Open science lab for biodiversity in Belgium.
This website mainly acts as a home for a number of blog posts I wrote in 2013. For more recent work, see GitHub and INBO.

Support GBIF in choosing CC0 + norms
May 05, 2014
Changes proposed by GBIF regarding data licensing are a tremendous step forward.

Analyzing the licenses of all 11,000+ GBIF registered datasets
November 22, 2013
How much GBIF mediated data can be legally used easily? A collaborative analysis.