
How to start your website and use Petridish.

Image by William Foley

This method creates a clean repository without unnecessary files. You can then add more content and settings.

  1. Follow the GitHub Pages instructions to create a website on GitHub (select Project site and Choose a theme).
  2. Go to _config.yml in your repository and replace theme: ... with:

     remote_theme: peterdesmet/petridish@3.1
  3. Check your site at (give it a minute to rebuild).
  4. See configuration to add more elements to your site.

Create a site from the Petridish repository

This method gives you a copy of the Petridish repository and website. You can then update content and settings, and remove all the files you don’t need.

  1. Go to the Petridish repository and click the green button Use this template. Give your repository a name and description (can be changed later).
  2. Go to your repository settings and enable GitHub Pages ( Use the main branch as source.
  3. Check your site at (give it a minute to build).
  4. See configuration to update elements of your site.
  5. Since you copied the Petridish repository, the theme is verbosely included. If you opt to make use of the remote_theme option described above, you can safely remove:


Install Petridish as gem-based theme

If you do not what to use remote_theme, see the Jekyll documentation to install (gem-based) themes.