Coding resolutions
Resolutions in coding land. Also, fantasy pets.
Image by Peter Desmet
On this page
It’s mid-January, but it’s never too late to make some resolutions to feel bad about not reaching at the end of the year. Mine are coding-related and hardly world-shattering, giving me a chance to actually reach them.
I’m enjoying the courses on Codecademy, but since I have a tendency to abandon them before I reach the end, here are my learning resolutions:
- Finish the Python course
- Finish the JavaScript course
- Finish the jQuery course
- Create 3 projects
- Follow 3 API courses
And as a bonus, try R on Code School.
Learning is fine, but doing is better:
- Create a data repository on GitHub and release it to the public domain.
- Create a one-page website visualizing data, using the CartoDB API.
- Transfer my website from WordPress to GitHub, using Pelican.
- Write at least 5 posts.
And as a bonus, create a theme for my website.
- Contribute at least once a month to someone else’s repository or documentation. (Must. keep. contributions summary. active.)
And as a bonus, help an old lady cross the street and/or nurture a wounded fantasy animal into a powerful pet ally.