Blog posts
I mostly write elsewhere, but here are my personal blog posts.

Support GBIF in choosing CC0 + norms
May 05, 2014
Changes proposed by GBIF regarding data licensing are a tremendous step forward.

Analyzing the licenses of all 11,000+ GBIF registered datasets
November 22, 2013
How much GBIF mediated data can be legally used easily? A collaborative analysis.

Showing you this map of aggregated bullfrog occurrences would be illegal
October 17, 2013
Non-standard data licenses are a burden for users of aggregated GBIF data.

What data license should GBIF use?
September 17, 2013
From free and open access to biodiversity data to open biodiversity data.

Finding open access research articles
August 10, 2013
Not all search tools are equal. Also, the advantage of standard licenses.